何解黃先生Study Plan的部署,往往避談申請人學成會回港發展?


HK Pathway 3年OWP是由2021.02.08開始接受申請,Stream A及B的移民申請細節也在2021.06.08宣佈。Stream A的要求對於不符合拿3年OWP的中產朋友很具吸引力,只要成功拿到Study Permit,移民已經可以說完成了一半,剩下來的,是在加拿大日常生活期間不知不覺便滿足了Stream A的要求而獲批。

A. 說學成回港就萬應萬靈?


  1. I am not satisfied that you will leave Canada at the end of your stay as required by paragraph R216(1)(b) of the IRPR.
  2. The purpose of your visit to Canada is not consistent with a temporary stay given the details you have provided in your application.

有見及此,香港的DIY朋友或中介為釋簽證官對R216(1) 的疑慮,一面倒在Study Plan裡削足就履,硬說學成後會回港發展,事業更上一層樓等等。這是否屬實,大家心知肚明,但確實不少DIYers因而成功獲批,他們不經已變成了100% 成功的「專家」,因為是1/1!

那麼,說學成後會回港是否萬應萬靈呢?如果是的話,為甚麼聲稱會回港發展的也會被拒呢?再者,以上提及100% 成功的專家有把握傳授給後人,能保證複製自己的成功嗎?

B. 黃先生的堅持

曾經與黃先生作付費諮詢的香港朋友,應該知道我們部署Study Plan避開申請人學成後會回港發展、事業更上一層樓等,因為大家心知肚明。相反,黃先生會堅持實話實說,同時簡單解釋理據,如果客戶認同就可以合作,相反亦然。

或者有人問,黃先生可否迎合客人的要求,在Study Plan裡說畢業後會回港發展呢?我們的回應是,如果屬實,我們十分樂意處理,例如你是香港一家連鎖餅店的管理人員,甚至乎股東,想來Centennial College修讀2年的Baking and Pastry Management課程,增長這方面的應用及學術管理知識,學成回港,把香港的生意做得更好。可是,又有多少個香港朋友是屬於這一類呢?

過去兩年,我們代理的SP申請偶然也會被拒,但撰寫Study Plan的策略始終如一。藉此文章,與香港朋友分享IRCC重量級政策,亦是我們對策的依歸。

C. 國會轄下的工作小組


以上的架構運作,與加拿大國會House of Commons十分相似,請點擊這裡,看看IRCC Standing Committee於2022.05向政府提出的156頁報告,雖然主題是研究魁省與加拿大其他省份吸引留學生處理方法是否存在不對等情況,但觸及dual intent議題。

為了方便大家,我們節錄第54頁提及的Recommendation 15,順帶提供Section 20(1)(b) 及 22(2) 一併閱讀,簡單導讀如下:

  • Section 20(1)(b) 要求申請人 “will leave Canada by the end of the period authorized for their stay”,但核心詞是 “stay” 而並非 “study”,IRCC有需要澄清兩者的關係。
  • Section 22(2) 清楚說明 “An intention by a foreign national to become a permanent resident does not preclude them from becoming a temporary resident if the officer is satisfied that they will leave Canada by the end of the period authorized for their stay”。因此,就算香港朋友衝着Stream A而來,也不應因此被排除獲批學簽的機會,但仍要說服簽證官 “will leave Canada by the end of the period authorized for their stay”。重申,核心詞仍然是 “stay” 而不是 “study”。而IRCC有需要澄清的,是基於Section 22(2) 條文所說的,為甚麼簽證官會引用上述 2. 所說,申請人的目的並非短暫居留就立刻拒簽呢?

點擊這裡,看看Government (即IRCC) 對以上156頁報告的20頁回應,我們只集中分析對Recommendation 15的回應,簡單導讀如下,IRCC的回應我們以中文提供:

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  • “IRCC underscores that the intention to eventually seek PR cannot lead to the refusal of a study permit application”,意思是不可以因為有將來申請移民的意圖而導致學簽被拒。

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  • “Prior to entry, foreign nationals are obligated to satisfy the officer that they will follow immigration rules, including that they will not remain in Canada without the authorization to do so”。“Without the authorization to do so” 就要離境自然合情合理,但如果with authorization,就可以留下,即是由SP轉為PGWP holder!
  • “Dual Intent is outlined in A22(2) of IRPA and is a fundamental facilitative provision in that it forbids officers to refuse a temporary resident application on the basis that the applicant has submitted or may submit an application for permanent residence”。言下之意,A22(2) 的法律原意及應用是正面的,就算感覺到申請人有將來申請移民的念頭,仍然是促進或鼓勵SP申請獲批,更以強硬的用詞禁止簽證官輕率下決定。

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  • “A22(2) ensures that there is no greater eligibility bar for the applicant to meet to become a temporary resident”。意思是,給簽證官指引,不需要再考慮其他條文阻礙申請獲批。
  • “Regarding testimony made to the Committee that study permit applicants are advised to avoid mentioning dual intent to an immigration officer, IRCC advises applicants to fully disclose their purpose for travel and intent to stay. The failure to disclose, in full, the reasons for the applicant’s travel to Canada could jeopardize an application by leading an officer to suspect that the applicant is not being truthful”。在聽證會中收到民意,說學簽申請人無奈要迴避主動提出雙重意願,以免被officer拒簽。但IRCC強烈建議申請人忠實上報來加拿大的目的,包括將來申請移民,否則就欠缺誠信,因而被拒。
  • “Study permit holders must nonetheless first meet the applicable legislative and regulatory requirements to become a temporary resident, including satisfying an officer that they will not stay in Canada so long as they remain authorized to do so”。無論如何,申請人要釋除簽證官的疑慮,除非他們獲授權,否則學簽期滿後不會留下來。IRCC的澄清是正面的,如果你由student轉為PGWP holder,就獲授權留下來!

D. 雜談

  • 以上兩份報告,是黃先生一直沿用的理據由來,我們仍然會堅持使用。
  • 我們甚至懷疑上情是否有下達,香港的visa officer有否收到總部指示,學會怎樣客觀理性地處理學簽申請人主動提出的雙重意願。
  • 如果有人說一提出dual intent即死,敢問理據從何而來,是道聽途說、自創理論,感性或理性?



  • 新手章法差,偶然也會贏錢
  • 老手好章法,偶然也會輸錢
  • 跟章打,不等於一定食糊
  • 打亂章,不等於吃不到糊
  • 長遠來看,新手贏錢只是偶然,說不上當然
  • 長遠來看,老手贏錢是當然,卻不是必然