·216(1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), an officer shall issue a study permit to a foreign national if, following an examination, it is established that the foreign national
o(a) applied for it in accordance with this Part;
o(b)will leave Canada by the end of the period authorized for their stay under Division 2 of Part 9;
o(c) meets the requirements of this Part;
o(d) meets the requirements of subsections 30(2) and (3), if they must submit to a medical examination under paragraph 16(2)(b) of the Act; and
o(e) has been accepted to undertake a program of study at a designated learning institution.
加拿大聯邦法院對上訴案子的判決,即案例,如果引用得當,等於是法律例文,簽證官要跟從。當然,懂得引用case law 來支持客戶的學簽申請的,肯定是老薑了。
加拿大移民部開宗名義說,所有項目,申請人沒必要找代理人,事實證明不少人自己DIY處理都可以成功,也搖身一變成為自己所屬群組的專家。移民部只是說,代理人要持有加拿大移民部認可的專業資格,即加拿大各省的律師和ICCRC的注册移民顧問,這些專業人士就算不是加藉,也有加拿大的永久居留身份,也經過嚴僅的程序,包括法律知識培訓和通過頗高水平的英語測試才獲發牌照,之後每年完成指定Continuous Professional Development持續專業發展培訓,專業知識獲得保證。另外,他們也受發牌機構一系列的措施監管,例如職業操守,以保障客戶的利益為依歸。
31頁的IP 9 同是移民部內部文件,部份內容提點簽證官留意學簽申請人所委託的代理人是否有代理資格,甚至是否有付費給無資格的代理人,避開使用IMIM5476 Use of a Representative。後者的意思,是申請人Concealed Representative 隱瞞背後有收費代理人,如被發現,輕則退回申請不受理,重則引用移民法律第40條Misrepresentation拒簽,後果是五年內不能進入加拿大