

2021整年及2022第一季,基於香港朋友的獨特需求,黃先生度身訂造魚與熊掌兼得的「先online讀書,後Stream A」的策略,當然這是基於IRCC現行政策,至少適用於2022.09入學,之後就很難說。請點擊這裡參考〈深度分析:Stream A、在港Distance Learning、 在加Online Study與PGWP畢業工簽四方關係〉一文。再一次善意提醒,IRCC現行政策將隨着疫情改善而更改,就以2022.06所見,不少公校2022.09開學的online課程已大大減少,已經收了的學生固然可online上課,但已不再接受新的學生報名。



香港市面存在流言,說IRCC不會為online課程給予SP,但這其實是散佈流言者的無知,不知道IRCC因為疫情而實施了多項特別包容政策,自己錯失了機會卻拖累其他人。請點擊這裡參考關於online study能否拿SP、是否符合Stream A要求的文章。再三強調,現行政策應用於2022.09開學沒有問題,但2023年後便很難說。出於公眾利益,黃先生會緊貼IRCC的最新政策,與所有香港朋友分享。

或者有人問「為何這個家長會與子女居留在BC省,卻刻意報讀外省的online課程,是否自找麻煩呢?」曾經付費向黃先生諮詢的香港朋友會知道,我們是盡量了解每個家庭的各方面需要,之後度身訂造一個最適合的方案,英文就是to serve their best interest。這個特別方案當然是經過各方面的精心策劃,包括權衡利益和風險,黃先生的角色只是提供方案,決定權在客戶一方。




今次的客戶Carmen有商有量,也不介意參與前期資料搜集,終於找到真相,請點擊這裡參看當地School Board向他提供關於BC省的相關政策,導讀如下:

Page 1: 請留意原文 ” Children who, along with their guardian(s), are ordinarily resident in British Columbia”,要留意的字眼是 “ordinary resident”。

Page 2: 請留意原文 “When the parents of a child are living together with the child, each parent is the child’s guardian. [Section 39(1) of the Family Law Act]”,母親Carmen正符合Guardianship的定義。

Page 2底部至Page 3: 給予ordinarily resident定義,也列出一系列建議及證明文件,證明長居於BC省。

Page 4-5: 原文是 ” Has been lawfully admitted to Canada and is authorised to study for a period of one year or more, and is enrolled in a degree or diploma programme at a public post-secondary institution in British Columbia or in a degree programme at a private post-secondary institution in British Columbia”。如果照字面解,Carmen報讀的私立DLI diploma program就算在BC省,子女也不能免費讀書。

Carmen接受黃先生的分析,這政策有些地方要向教育局澄清,例如上述private DLI的diploma課程,又例如母子二人同時長居BC省,雖然Carmen修讀的是外省online課程,當完全符合Page 1-3的要求時,為何Page 4卻要設置關卡?所以,黃先生提供三個問題,鼓勵Carmen再詢問BC省教育局,看他們如何處理:

  1. Both the school age child and mother are holders of a valid SP.
  2. Both can provide strong evidence in support of the ‘ordinary residence’.
  3. The SP holding mother enrolls in an out-of-province online 2-year diploma program and will reside full-time in the Province with the school-age child during the period of online study.

Page 7: BC省教育局的回應十分快,當然他們會戴頭盔,但回應已十分正面,如原文 “This should be fine, however, we will need to review your complete registration in order to determine eligibility” 以及 ”Since you and your child will be residing in the city of Vancouver, and you will have valid permits, your child should meet the criteria for publicly funded education. Please keep in mind that your registration still needs to be reviewed. This email is not a confirmation of eligibility. This can only be done once your registration has been reviewed”。

Page 7頂部: 黃先生給予Carmen同學鼓勵,也借題發揮與香港朋友分享:” Lesson learned: Never say no too soon, never give up the fight”。



寄語香港朋友,如果部署先讀書後Stream A移民,期間遇到阻礙時,不要輕言放棄,應該抱着積極的態度搜集資料,包括向有關當局提問,問個水落石出,而不是自己打退堂鼓,不戰而敗。所以,只要你的思維是屬於how to型 (正如Carmen) 而不是how not to (正如之前的不記名客戶) 的話,黃先生願意與你並肩作戰!
